The D2S project at the “Orientation and Skills in the Era of Transitions” web conference

The D2S@Ulysseus project on Digital Soft Skills was presented at the web conference “Orientation and Skills in the Era of Transitions.” Organised by the Erasmus+ France / Education & Training Agency, this event brought together over 450 participants in a live setting. The objective was to highlight initiatives related to orientation, skills, and certification while […]
Looking at the DigitalSoftSkills@Ulysseus Forum in Innsbruck

On February 14, 2023, the D2S@Ulysseus project organised a Forum on Digital Soft Skills at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School in Innsbruck, Austria. The “multiplier” event was a collaborative initiative of the six partner universities of Ulysseus and project members. It allowed the public to learn about the results of the D2S project, which aims […]
Boost your Digital Soft Skills with the innovative D2S@Ulysseus courses: open for students and educators

The D2S@Ulysseus project is now offering a range of innovative and accessible Digital Soft Skills courses for students and educators, all available for free. The Ulysseus University Alliance is excited to announce the launch of their new Digital Soft Skills courses, known as D2S@Ulysseus. These innovative courses have been developed within the framework of the […]
D2S@Ulysseus holds its first Multiplier Event in Nice, France

D2S@Ulysseus partners were invited to Nice from 27 to 28 June, as part of the Digital Week organised by Université Côte d’Azur, to hold the first D2S Multiplier Event. The Digital Week organised by UCA gathered 150 international participants, representing 50 universities in 24 countries, around various activities on digital innovation: round tables and workshops […]
The D2S project will hold its first Multiplier Event at the end of June during Université Côte d’Azur’s Digital Week

The D2S project will hold a Multiplier Event on 27 and 28 June during Université Côte d’Azur’s International Digital Week in Nice, France. D2S partners will discuss the project, celebrate the digital world through numerous activities and present Digital Soft Skills to students, educators and international participants during the open event. The first two days […]
D2S@Ulysseus surveys of students, educators and employers indicate their needs for Digital Soft Skills

The D2S team conducted a 3-month survey, from October to December 2021, of students, educators and potential employers to identify their needs in Digital Soft Skills. The identification of these needs in the labour market and in the lifelong learning context, both in digital transformation, will allow the creation of adequate training for students and […]
The D2S@Ulysseus project launches its website

The D2S@Ulysseus project celebrates its first year of activity with the launch of its website, dedicated to sharing practices for the development of Digital Soft Skills. D2S@Ulysseus promotes the development of Digital Soft Skills The D2S@Ulysseus project (DigitalSoftSkills@Ulysseus) is supported by the Ulysseus Alliance and funded by the Erasmus+ programme. With digital technologies impacting our […]
D2S@Ulysseus project launched after a meeting between the six partner universities

This Ulysseus satellite project seeks to foster a high performing digital education ecosystem and enhancing students’ Digital Soft skills thanks to highly innovative pedagogical tools. The D2S@Ulysseus project started its work last week with an online kick-off meeting in which the six partner universities took part. The aim of this project is, on the one […]
Erasmus+ funding awarded to Ulysseus to foster digital technologies for learning

The D2S@Ulysseus project celebrates its first year of activity with the launch of its website, dedicated to sharing practices for the development of Digital Soft Skills. The European Commission has awarded 298 516 euros to the D2S@Ulysseus project, an Erasmus+ action aimed to modernise education, adapt pedagogies and upgrade educators’ digital competencies by harnessing digital […]